No Water.

I'm gonna try something in tonight's Bikram yoga class. I'm gonna try and do the class without water.

Now, I will still keep a bottle near me in the 90 minute class, but I'm gonna do my best to not sip any during the class.

"Why the hell would you do something like that?" you may be wanting to ask me.

Well, the water cools you down. And you shouldn't really need any water during the class, as you should be well hydrated before stepping foot in the studio. You don't want to get cooled down in the class. You want to challenge yourself during all 90 minutes to meditate on your body. And sipping water can be a distraction.

I doubt I will actually be able to go all 90 minutes without a small sip after a few postures. (Like Eagle pose.) But I will attempt to not drink much, if any at all.

"Psycho," I know. But I am ready to start progressing in my practice again. I've done three 30 day challenges in the past year. Time to kick it up a notch with my practice.


Anonymous said…
My practice has improved considerably since I gave up drinking water in class. However, the one pose that I think it is most distracting to drink after *is* Eagle. Wait until after the floor series just before Fixed Firm... or, if you can, post Rabbit.

It's a huge difference...
Me said…
Thanks dude. I haven't seen you in class i a long time... Have I?
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on the no water... I usually take the 6PM in BYHS or the 3PM at BYB. I've been traveling a lot though. Next time you see me in class, introduce yourself.
Me said…
Same to you buddy! If you se me, introduce yourself.

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