At Least I Made It Through January Dry.

It's been a chaotic year.

And we are only through January.

Emotionally, my anger is at an all-time high. Sincerely, I don't believe I have ever been this angry. And ready to physically, financially, mentally, spiritually fight someone. 

At the same time, emotionally, my empathy is at the greatest it has ever been. 

Unless you are still supporting Trump. The exception is if I am blood-related to you. Anyone else who voted for him, I wish the genuine worst for you. If I am related to you, keep your distance verbally on the shit he is doing.

Otherwise you will fall into the previous group.

"You wouldn't cut off friends/family/people you are close to for politics. How silly. How juvenile."

To that I say, "Bitch, I left what most would consider a perfectly fine marriage because it turned out my ex-husband had an underlying layer of misogyny he had built a picture of his life around - and the moment I started to succeed on my own path he manifested sickness in his body and didn't want to change. I love him very much, but I won't accept that energy. I am a motherfucking Aries Sun with a Capricorn Rising and an Aquarius Moon. I am built for rebellion against the imbalanced default setting... Even towards those who are close to me. I will scorch the version of the earth you have built for yourself in a direct way."

So as you can see, with this being the state I am in... My annual Dry Quarter had to end this weekend.

I poured myself four ounces of wine on Saturday, February 1st. Drank maybe half of the glass... And then left it sitting on my entry table to be found this morning when I got up to do a treadmill class.

On the plus side of all this anger in me... My yoga practice and my cardio ability have been noticeably stronger.

My sleep, however, has been complete shit.

And who knows what today, the first Monday in February, will bring? I await the chaos as I start my day here.


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