It's All In Your Ass.

I'm only moderately sore today... I know I will be painfully sore tomorrow.


Because I am a masochist.

I decided to go to a Core Fusion class last night at Exhale. (Those classes really, REALLY work your bum. After just a few repetitions of an exercise, your thighs and ass are burning.) During the class, the instructor (who also teaches PranaVayu yoga at Equinox) was instructing us to "lock down" our core.

It took me a few minutes to figure out what she meant... But the easiest way, I learned, to lock it down is "just squeeze your ass muscles."

Then, that got me thinking about my Pilates instructor. (Well, not about him. More about the instruction I get.) He, too, tells me to "engage" my core muscles during our sessions. And by that, he also means, "just squeeze your ass muscles."

Then, this morning, I was working out with my physical trainer. She decided to give me MUCH heavier weights to work with today.

"We're gonna do basic exercise, but you're going to be lifting much heavier weight," she told me. "So you're going to have to pull your navel to your spine, and use your core."

"You know," I told her, "Why don't you just say, 'squeeze your ass muscles?' Because that's actually what you want me to do - in addition to pulling my navel to my spine."

She laughed.

"Yep," she said. "The butt muscles are the most under-used muscles. Everything you do outside of our workouts really goes the opposite way of the butt muscles. Especially when you're sitting at a desk all day. It's really important to engage them to strengthen your back and the rest of your body."

So ass will be really sore tomorrow. And so will my upper back muscles. And my biceps. And Triceps. And shoulders.

And I pay for all this torture?


Anonymous said…
i actually heard you say this to your trainer -- it almost made me fall over laughing when i was doing my squats against the wall with the ball...

my trainer told me to "squeeze my butt cheeks" the other day. i told him that he has the only profession where he can legally say that.

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