The Missus In Fashion - The Junior High Years.

I had the best fashion sense at age 12/13.

Yep. That's a hazy photo of me at age 13... Circa 1990. I don't remember who the guy was in the photo. But I was a little ball of perky energy back then (still am! though, it's punctuated with a lot of swear words) and was not afraid to be funky with my fashion.

Flirty denim skirt... A belt (which I NEVER wear these days)... Slouchy cardigan... HUGE glasses - which, back then, I didn't need to wear all the time... They were purely an accessory!

This was when fashion was fun for me. A year later, I was in high school. And fashion became much more planned precise. And two days a week, I had to wear cheerleading uniforms... So fashion was never the same after junior high.

I should really bring back the funky.


April Elizabeth said…
im glad you explained what you were wearing because i totally thought it was pants and a leather jacket.
Haha! I thought it was pants and a leather jacket too! So funny, love the glasses! The guy next to you was pretty damn fashion forward himself! Just goes to show what goes around comes around! Love the old pic, thanks for posting!
bikramyogachick said…
That's totally adorable!
Makes me think of my acid washed looking denim mini skirts I wore.....and yes, I had the HUGE glasses til freshman year. My father showed mercy on my soul and purchased contacts for high school. :)
bikramarian said…
What a fun pic! I was about 2 grades above you at the time but this was still a great mini trip down memory lane of those days.

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