Some Classes Will Be A Total Shit Show.
I had the worst class of my life this evening. The WORST.
No... I wasn't hot. I didn't even "feel" the heat. I was sick. Acid reflux... Vertigo... All signs that I had something in me that my body was trying to detox.
I felt great at the start of class. But after a few repetitions of Pranayama in the first set, I started to feel sick.
"This is odd," I told myself. "I feel like I want to throw up."
Things progressively got worse in the second set of Pranayama. But I still pushed myself to do all the poses. In fact, I did most of them in the standing series, and did them very strongly. Shit, I even kicked out and got my forehead exactly to my knee in Standing-Head-to-Knee pose. (After serious encouragement from one of my favorite teachers, who was heading the class.)
But I did have to sit down. And any forward-bending killed. Half Tortoise? Rabbit pose? Locust? I could not do any of those. In Floor Bow, I was able to keep a hold of my feet. But I couldn't kick up.
After the first set of Fixed Firm, I almost left the room. Again, not because it was hot. But because I wanted to go into the bathroom and throw up. I didn't leave, though. I stayed.
One of the other regular practitioners was telling me last week how she had a bad class, and felt shamed because she saw it as "regression."
I told her she shouldn't feel that way. "EVERYONE has bad classes. I do. Teachers do. Not every class is the same. You're body is going to react differently each time. Some days will be a total shit how. Some days will be the best you've ever had."
Today was my "shit show" day.
I've written about it on the Bikram 101 blog... But I seem to have developed an intolerance to wheat and fried foods during this challenge. And at lunch today, I had vegetable tempura.
When will I learn? If something hurts my belly, don't eat it.