When Evening Falls In the T&C...
I am loving this resort even more than I did three years ago when I was last here. The free Wifi makes it so easy for me to get things done while on "vacation."
Seriously, if you ever want to come to Providenciales for a vacation, I highly recommend the Royal Sands. Condo-style suites... We have a washer/dryer, full bath, one bedroom, TWO flat screen TVs, kitchen with dishwasher and cooking utensils/pots-pans...
And a covered patio.
Unlike when I went to Rome three years ago and was mocked by hotel staff for needing to procure 10 hours of Internet, here I just turn on the computer and am online in seconds. I have been so productive in the past two days!
So productive, in fact, I am getting ready to launch a new site. All while drinking a class of pinot and enjoying the evening falling before me.
Being "offline" is more my idea of stress than it is a "vacation."
The bartender kept saying to me, "You are your boyfriend [not really my boyfriend] are working SO HARD!"
Well, not really. We'd have been going crazy without it.