How Do I Use This Thing?

I am nearing a week at my new job.  And with this new one, I couldn't get out of taking a company phone. I had managed to avoid it at previous agency jobs, because I didn't want to carry around two phones.

But with my new role, it's unavoidable.  I will be traveling and in meetings a lot.  So I have to have one.

Thing is though...

The new phone is a Blackberry.

Standard issue for most companies.  However, I am NOT versed in the world of RIM.  And therefore, have no idea how to use this thing. I have tried to see if I can figure out how to set the voicemail greeting on this thing... But after 45 minutes, I give up. I will just wait until I get into work tomorrow and see if someone can show me.

I have figured out how to do the following though (and therefore, should receive huge credit):

  • Taking pictures.
  • Setting the ringer to "vibrate."
  • Change the wallpaper on it.
  • Check the email.
  • Browse the web.

But since I am not a "phone" person... This may be all I need to do with it.


Cara said…
Have you figured it out yet? BB's SCARE me. I run from them. I like my little touch screen iPhone!
Me said…
LOL! I did. The Husband had to help me figure some things out over Skype.
Anonymous said…
Your fingers look really fat....should get back to Bikram there hon.
Me said…
Yeah.. They do look chunky. But it's the angle and bend in them that is creating the effect.

You're quite the snide/bold one with your anonymous comment, aren't you?

Internet bully powers activate!

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