Another Attempt At This...
It's been six years (SIX YEARS!) since I SUCCESSFULLY completed my last yoga challenge.
Yep. I tell people all of the time, "Going to teacher training was the worst thing I ever did for my practice."
And it's 100% true.
No, really.
While I was doing that 101-day challenge, my practice got so solid. So solid. My flexibility... My endurance... I was able to navigate a corporate career and commit to hitting the yoga studio after work every day.
I've since attempted a yoga challenge a few times since then. The most recent one was this past October.
I failed miserably.
Because I let other things get prioritized. Mostly work. And traffic on I-5. And a visit from a friend. And TV. And hunger pains. And a desire to sleep.
Pretty much, I wasn't mentally ready. I was letting anything come before my health. Yes. I consider my yoga practice ESSENTIAL to my health. Or... At least I used to.
And time to get back into it!
Yes. True story. I've marked up the black board wall in the kitchen with 101 days of yoga to complete.
Starting tomorrow.
Nothing gets prioritized over it. Not sleep. Not hunger. Not traffic (because I will be leaving exactly at 5pm every day from work - no exceptions). Not travel (even though I have a business trip in January - I will be going to class in the travel-to city). Not the ayahuasca trip later in January (I'll be doubling up on classes before and after I go). Not friends. Not anything.
Pray for me.
I will be also doing this whole thing DRY, starting after New Year's Eve later this week. No alcohol till my 39th birthday in April, which is around the time when I finish this whole challenge.
So really... Pray for the souls of those who interact with me during the next three and a half months.