Spinning Logic - Episode 42.

I know, I know... I haven't yet launched my own podcast series. But I have had the opportunity to appear on other people's podcasts in the past three months. Well, two people's anyway.  

I've become a repeat guest (though I've no idea why) on Jason Havey's Spinning Logic. He's become a very good friend in the past few months, and interviewed me again last weekend. Here's us recording...

Yes. I "selfied" while we were recording. And he called me out on it in the podcast. As he should.

Our banter is continuous. We once again talked about ayahausca and plant medicines, given my recent trip down to the Amazon jungle. And he indulged me as I railed against some of the really bad habits I've come across with fellow Bikram teachers as I charge through this Bikram 101 Challenge.

Give it a listen!

Heather Molina - Spinning Logic, Episode 42 


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