An Energetic Flu.

I was playing it loose. All this travel lately. The multiple flights over the past three months... I stopped wearing a mask on planes... The shaking of hands and touching things.

And honestly, I was due. The last time I had any kind of cold or flu was in September 2019, when I closed on the Tucson property.

I assumed it was an energetic flu. I had so much going on... My body was operating at a high threshold of balancing so many things. And it only made sense that when I closed my body decided, "Okay... Now can I process all this energy? Cool. Imma do it by giving you a flu where you lose your voice for a few days."

And this week I had my last work trip of the series - at least till early/mid December. As I drove the two and a half hours back from Phoenix to Tucson on Friday, I could sense something was off in me. 

"Ugh," I said to George, interrupting her meditation of staring at the mountains we drove past on the Interstate, "I know what this is."

I was coming down with some kind of cold/flu.

At first I panicked thinking it was Covid. I've managed to go four and a half years and never have caught it. Again, I probably am karmically due.

I immediately drew a very hot bath when I got home. Oils and bubble bath and epsom salts... All things to help process my energy as the hot water opened all the pores on my skin. I pulled out the free Covid tests I had received back in 2021... They were expired. Back in mid 2022.

I turned the AC down to 63, crawled into bed shivering. My head was starting to pound from blood vessels in the brain swelling. I wasn't with stuffy nose. Or coughing. 

It was 6:30pm. 

I didn't care. I made sure George had food and water. 

A mountain of pillows was made in the top center of my bed. I laid down on my back, lights out. Hands tucked underneath my back so that they don't go flying above my head and scare George. (It's happened enough times throughout my life to know this is the safest way to sleep on my back.)

I slept for 12 hours, mostly non-stop. George never left my side. And she never tried to encroach on my space. She could sense I was very sick. 

Anytime I did wake up, I would take my temperature. Around midnight it finally tipped past 100 degrees. 

A fever!

A very rare thing for me... Someone who just does not get sick. 

I woke up, rested, around 6:30am. I felt tremendously better. My fever was gone. But the runny nose was setting in now. And the energy was very low. 

It's been a slothy kind of day. My appetite has been gone. The muscles on my back feel achey - which is what happens when I get an energetic flu. Things want to release. 

I did manage to get a delivery of some essentials though to make the magical elixir...

Bourbon, Lemon Juice, Cinnamon Stick, Honey, Hot Water

The Hot Toddy.

I included special honey in it. 

I've only gotten down about half the cup I made five hours ago. But I intend to finish the rest of it before sleeping. 

This most definitely is not Covid. It's disappearing so fast.

I live to brag another day about how being a hermit has paid off.

And I will absolutely be wearing a mask on the trip to Rome.


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