I Teach People To Purge.
"Come along with me as yoga teacher doing her opening duties before teaching an 8am class..."
Kidding. This isn't a TikTok "Morning In The Life" video... But I have been tempted to do one.
I have found myself agreeing to teach about eight classes this month - which is a lot. For me.
But it's not about the cash for me... It's about making sure the 26 & 2 sequence is available for students who want to practice it. And when coverage for classes I don't normally cover is needed, and I am available, I teach.
And a Sunday at 8am was when was needed.
I like teaching the first class of the day. The studio is clean... And I don't have to work off the lingering energy from a previous class still in the air.
Plus I love how calm the space seems...
In almost every 26 & 2 studio you will see a small podium at the front of the class. On it is usually a temperature gauge measuring not just heat but also humidity, a box of Kleenex, and at our studio a few throat candies.
At training we are taught to teach from the podium so you can watch all of the bodies. We are taught to not practice while teaching and to use a dialogue.
But I refuse to teach from the podium. Always have.
I like to teach fro the back of the room. And I like to walk around the room in between poses, moving the energy with me. Mostly during the floor series.
And speaking of the floor series (which is the last third of class), I turn the lights completely off.
Students love it. No other teacher does it that way. And I always get compliments for doing it.
I feel like it makes it easier for the students to get into Savasana (Corpse Pose) between postures... Getting complete rest for the few seconds they get in the pose. Additionally, I think having the lights off makes them feel more comfortable pushing themselves in the floor poses. They don't have to worry about anyone else staring at them. And they don't have to be distracted by others.
They can just be in their practice. In a room full of other bodies. With little personal space.
Sixty minutes... And they've worked every part of their bodies and done deep inhales and exhales.
A nice purge.
I help people purge. And I do it my own way.