Bikram Yoga Challenge: 21/60.

Okay.... I forgot to write up yesterday's class! Ahh! In my defense, it was a very busy day. And I have one thing from yesterday's class to note:

Just get to class. Your practice will evolve if you just show up.

I was exhausted yesterday. And I actually contemplated skipping the class, and just doubling-up again later this week. But The Husband wasn't having any of it...

"What's the point of doing this challenge if you're just going to keep skipping days and doubling up on others?" he asked.

"Ah... Touche," I thought.

So off to class I went. And it wasn't bad. Once I got there, my attitude changed. I got through class. It wasn't my best... But it was far from my worst.

So, I only have nine days left in the 30-day challenge... And 39 days left in the 60-day. Yay!


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