Dreams: Arguments & Cookies.
Prior to last night (Saturday night) I hadn't slept more than maybe 7 hours in the past 48 hours.
It was a very intense two weeks prior to me taking off for this trip. And the trip certainly started off with a few tests from the Universe... Which I will write about in the coming weeks. (Just not yet.)
One of the things The Husband (who is one of my main voices of reason in life, as he is a logical thinker) said to me as these "tests" were rolling out is, "Quit sweating the small stuff. These are no big deal."
So true. I tend to zero in on the little things. (Just ask my team at work. They'll tell you how I mark up their reports with red pencil when I proof them over a misplaced comma!) And it causes me way more stress than it needs to. Make no mistake, I thrive under stress. But holy crap does it wreak havoc on my body... Physically, mentally, physiologically and subconsciously.
Which brings me back to sleep.
Last night (Saturday night here in Hong Kong), I finally got more than a few hours of sleep. And I had very active dreams. Two of them.
- The first dream consisted of me walking around and being hated by all these people I admire. Famous people and people I know in real life. I would try to talking to them, and they would argue with me. No one seemed to like me.
- In the second dream, I was eating cookies in my apartment in Boston. All kinds of cookies.
The first dream represents me trying to resolve some internal conflicts I have... The fact that I am being hated by all these people I admire is representative of my fear that I don't have what it takes to gain the qualities of these people in myself.
As for the second dream, cookies represent letting trivial things bother me.
The human mind, when you listen to it, is filled with wonderful logic and direction.