Top 5 Celebs I Would Kiss At Midnight.


New Year's Eve is just around the corner.  And while in recent years, my pattern has been to go to dinner and then fall asleep long before midnight... I will say that if I had the energy and the connections (and wasn't married), I would get all decked out in a fancy dress and some fabulous shoes (like these) and kiss a celebrity.

Which celebrity?  Hmm...  Well, here is my list. In ascension of preference.

5. Jason Segel
4. Johnny Dep
3. Edward Cullen (Robert Pattison AS Edward Cullen.)
2. Ryan Gosling
1.  Ryan Reynolds

Which celebs would you want to plant your Tom Ford True Coral lips on at midnight?


5) Steve Colbert or Anthony Bourdain
4) Brian Williams
3) Ryan Gosseling
2) Anderson Cooper
1) George Clooney

Hmmmmmm.... looks like I have a thing for new guys, and old guys. Go figure.
Cara said…
Ryan Gosseling, Anderson Cooper and Ryan Kwanten. I can't put them in order because they are all equally hot. And plus it's my wish list and I can kiss all three at midnight if I want to!! lol
Kate Miller said…
I ditto your list - however, I would like Edward Cullen as Edward Cullen, NOT Robert Pattison (not my favorite casting ever).
bikramyogachick said…
These are in no particular order. I'd kiss any of them...or all of them! :)=

Johnny Depp
Eric Dane
Hugh Jackman
Ian Somerhalder

**fans herself** woo hoo! It's getting hot in here! Great picks ladies!!!

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