Happy Fall.

The official start to Fall has me still in San Francisco. At least till later this afternoon. The weather is a little crisp up here. And has me a wee bit nostalgic for the Northeast.

Fall was my favorite time of year up north. Mostly because of its visual, which only lasts a moment before the frigid Winter takes over.

But the colors were stunning, and have me wishing I could spend my Falls there... Even if just for a few weeks each year.

I mean...

Gorgeous, yes?

Just bright bursts of fiery color before things shed into Winter.

The town houses and red bricks of the South End of Boston charmed me on my walk to work, even though come Winter the icy snow would be layered on them  - making it difficult (and often dangerous) to walk.

But those first few days where things began to change...

It's easy to Fall into love with everything. (Heh! See what I did there?)

So while I don't get much in the way of changing leaf colors and crisp air in my current little beach town, I am lapping up the taste of Fall with the new Toasted Graham Latte from Starbucks...

Digging the Fall cup too.

I know my nostalgia for the Northeast will pass soon, as I see the predictions for Winter snow start to roll out. But for today, I'll long for the start of Autumn in a place where Autumn actually happens.


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