Bikram 101 - The Final 30 Classes.

"You have a beautiful Standing Bow pose."

This is what one of the teachers said to me when I checked in for my 72nd class this evening.

"I do?" I said.  "It comes and it goes."

We agreed that it does that for everyone. But I was flattered all the same.

Yes. I am 72 classes into this challenge... And still 9 classes behind from my Peru trip at the start of February. But I WILL be making up a good chunk of them in the next week. So help me Beyonce!

And being this far into the challenge means that I have not only a practice that is stronger from a posture point of view, but one that is also leaving my body in a bit of a mess.

First... My hair is in a perpetual bun.

It's just easier this way. The routine is to come home, shower and wash it...Sleep with it wet... Throw it into a bun the next morning. It doesn't come down out of the bun until I shower after class later.

My hair is frightening right now.

And with any challenge - or regular practice - there is of course, the stigmata on the tops of the feet to endure...

Patches of towel-burned skin from sitting in Vjrasana for many poses. Dry, slightly stinging patches.

And normally with this amount of yoga, dry skin is to be expected on my hands, heels, and finger tips. But I wasn't prepared for this...

This yoga purge has me shedding skin! Some major skin! On the bottoms of my feet! It's really crazy. And gross. This is one of the prettier pictures. But I am accepting it as part of the overall process.

And, of course, going to be getting a pedicure this weekend to deal with it.

There's also the constant exhaustion I have. I will yawn at the start of class at least eight times. Even though it is often the end of the day when I practice, my body needs to purge some static energy from my body.  And yawning is one way it comes out.

It makes for a very sleepy Heather.

I will finish this challenge. I will. I will. I will.

I will.

Only 29 more classes to go.


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