I Forgot To Drink Coffee.

I started a medication about a week and a half ago. 

I'm only about nine days into it, but I call it a "miracle drug."

Many benefits to it... One of which is clarity.

I wake up and stay focused. I could argue too focused. I'm getting an insane amount of things done.

And it's taking away distractions. 

Such as drinking coffee.

For context, I'm a "cup of coffee" to wake me up in the morning... And a "latte to start the work day" to get settled into my work day.

But at least four days over the past week... 

I completely forget to drink coffee.

The habit of going up to one of my fancy machines and going through the rituals of creating a cinnamon-spicy, rich, hot beverage of some kind doesn't even enter my mind. 

It's insanity.

And I'm finding myself stressing much less.

But it could all be a placebo effect.

But really... Who am I turning into?

I don't know if I have a personality if I don't drink coffee.

I don't know that I even want to like that person.

So dull. Ill prepared for the day. Unequipped to conquer the world.

But my mind is healthier. And my body.

Do I want that though?


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