Moments of "Whoa!"

Have you ever had one of those moments in your life where you are thinking something and then you receive a sign about how to act upon it?

It kind of follows my belief lately that you manifest your own destiny. Focus on the positive, and you will be more inclined to attract positivity. Focus on the negative, and you are more likely to attract negativity. (And no, before you even ask, I have not read The Secret. This has become a path I have begun to follow since the beginning of this year!)

Anyway, back on topic... I have been meditating (you know, just laying down and letting my thoughts flow in and out - while not holding onto any one thought, releasing it out as it comes in) and have had one theme in particular come up repeatedly:

"Cut loose and stop focusing on relationships where there is almost no return."

It's advice that everyone should know and follow. But it is difficult sometimes, as no one likes to cut people completely out of their lives. But now I am getting signs from places other than my own thoughts about this topic.

Today's Horoscope:
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Put an end to your relationships with people who don't give back...

I have a few relationships in my life currently where I feel like I get almost nothing back. But I am not ready to cut people out of my life. Just keep it more cordial with them, I guess.

But it's a "whoa" moment nonetheless. And I think it's time to start manifesting positive and reciprocal relationships with people. Stop letting things be "one-sided."


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