Tetanus Booster?

I had my first ever health check-up as an adult with a primary care physician today. It took me months to find a doctor and get an appointment. And I am really happy to say that my doctor is really nice and very cool.

"You're in perfect health!" she screeched at me.

The only thing she said I needed was an updated Tetanus booster shot. I guess you're supposed to have one every 10 years. I never knew that. So before I left the office, she made sure I got my shot.

Have you had yours in the past 10 years???


Anonymous said…
I have to get one too :( I haven't had it since 1994. I had no idea you were supposed to get one every 10 years. Good to know!
bonbonagogo said…
I had to get one in '01 when I accidentally stuck a knife through my hand while I was trying to dislodge two frozen veggie burgers. They told me I will have to get them every ten years, but by the time 2111 rolls around, I DOUBT I will remember.

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