Healthy Dish For The Weak: Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes.

A rainy Saturday morning... A day filled with errands and some work...


The prescription to get the day started? Healthy blueberry oatmeal pancakes (drowned in syrup) and some magazines!

I woke up craving pancakes. And oatmeal cookies. So I decided to make pancakes with blueberries to get the best of both worlds.

3/4 cup of oatmeal
3/4 cup of oat flour
1 cup of soy milk (though you can use regular, if you don't like "bean juice")
1 tsp of baking powder
1/4 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of blueberries
3 egg whites
1 whole egg

Mix everything together, except the blueberries. Once the mixture is combined, fold in the blueberries. Then just cook on the stove top.

There are really filling, though. I put four small ones on my plate... And I was only able to get through almost three. Oatmeal does that to you.


Vanessa said…
Those look fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Bean Juice! -that's funny

What a great craving you had. Try putting cinnamon in your batter sometime. :)

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