Meanest Thing In The World.

What. The. Eff?!?

Some very mean BOYS at work decided to be "all-time best sellers" from the "jerk store" and deface my Edward Cullen poster at work.

They added a costume mustache to him.

Those bastards.

And now, the debate is out as to what he most resembles with his new 'stache...
  • A young Barney Miller.
  • Hitler.
  • Charlie Chaplin.
I say, "Young Barney Miller." However, most of my readers may not even know who that is. But good god, people... It had Abe Vigoda in it. So you really need to familiarize yourselves with it.


Unknown said…
I say Charlie Chaplin.
Anonymous said…
Oooh, I agree - young Barney Miller!
Duffy Pratt said…
How strange is this? With the fake mustache he reminds me of Christopher Walken. But now I'm trying to remember any movie where Walken had a mustache.
Me said…
Oh yes! Definitely, Duffy!
Jessica (Bayjb) said…
Clearly your coworkers are jealous of edward and are acting out in childish ways. Must be tough to be THAT jealous of a poster
Liveanoblelife said…
I originally thought Hitler, but now that you mention it I'll go Chaplin.

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