Happiness List.
Do you know what to do to make yourself awesome and happy when you are sad?
This writer suggests that everyone have a "go-to" happiness list for turning a case of the "mean reds" around. And I quite like the idea. Here is what's on my happiness list:
- Epsom salt bath
- Fashion magazines
- Caramel Machiatto from Starbucks
- Interpreting dreams (for myself or others)
- A Bikram yoga class where I can get both legs wrapped in Eagle pose
- Blogging
What's on your list?
1. venti soy chai tea with 1 shot peppermint
2. the beach (and if I can't get to one - pictures will do!)
3. a nap
4. getting some good reads from the library
5. getting my yoga journal magazine in the mail
I like yours, too! I'd be in my happy happy place if I could get any foot around my calf in eagle! :)
- Bikram Believer (Julie)