And The Anxiety Sets In...

In case you haven't been reading my Bikram Yoga Teacher Training blog, I should tell you that I leave for training next week.

I fly out on the 17th. Which is 10 days away, people. TEN DAYS AWAY!

I've mostly been in a mood that has been a mixture of "Why can't it hurry up and get here?!?!" and "I'm so freaking excited!" But today, the anxiety started to set in...

"I leave in 10 days! I am packed. I have the first few postures memorized. But why do I feel stuffy in my chest? Why can't I breathe? Why can't I focus? Why do people keep asking me so many questions?"

I am definitely NOT checked out at work. No... Me being the jackass that I am, I am working right up until the morning I leave. Though, I may try to get out of those three hours so that I can have a "farewell brunch" with The Husband before he drives me to the airport.

That is going to be the hardest part. It is now really setting in that I won't be around him for two whole months. He may try to come out and visit me before graduation. But it's not certain. We're both going to be busy during this time. It may make it impossible for a visit. (Thank GOD we don't have children. I am in AWE of people who have children and are able to pry themselves away for the two months to go do this!)

I think, though, my biggest anxiety is going to be over this:
  • What will The Husband eat while I am gone? (Hot dogs, frozen Indian meals and pizza!)
  • Will he remember to water the plants? (When I reminded him of this, he asked, "Where are there plants in the house?")
  • Will he remember how to properly clean the bathrooms in the house, and not do it the way he normally does, which just involves taking a Clorox wipe and swiping it around the toilet seat in a circular pattern five times really fast?*
The last one really gives me anxiety. Wouldn't it do the same to you?

*This is seriously how he cleans a toilet. I guess if you don't sit down as often, you don't realize how necessary it is to make sure you thoroughly disinfect and clean a toilet seat.


aHappyYogi said…

Even if it is a year until I will go I wonder the same things + 1; Will the spouse handle the washingmashine?
aHappyYogi said…

Even if it is a year until I will go I wonder the same things + 1; Will the spouse handle the washingmashine?

You will have such a great time!
Unknown said…
Yeah, I'm going in the Spring and am already having major anxiety about leaving and taking time off...
I'm about 90% certain my man will have no clean laundry when I come back. And about 80% certain he will just buy new clothes because he can't do laundry.
Me said…
Human (my husband) can wash his clothes. That I am so not worried about. But the food and my plants? I don't expect those to be in good shape.
Lol! I am so worried about the same things with my hubby. Last night I was trying to picture what our condo would look like when I returned in November.
Rachel Koontz said…
Can I just say that I have some of the exact same fears and thoughts and I'm not even certain I'll be at training in the SPRING yet!!?! Ha. I can totally relate. You are brave for heading out for the two month adventure, and I give you mad props for it. And I'm sure once you get there the nerves will settle down (after a couple ridiculous classes anyway ha, you'll be too tired to be nervous anyway!). I hope it's a blast. I can't wait to read about your experience. Namaste!
Rachel @ Alive in the Fire
thedancingj said…

It'll be fine. Just clean the bathroom right after you get back. Can't do TOO much irreversible damage to a toilet in 2 months!!

I'm getting butterflies FOR you! And also, I'm totally happy that I went to training while single. Nobody was back home getting in trouble while I was away... although my sister DID suddenly have a boyfriend when I got back!!

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