A Prepped Blackboard Wall, Cabinets, Shutters & A TV Unit. Finally.

I arrived home this evening to some nice surprises... Lots of them!

My blackboard wall was finally touched up by the painter!

This meant I could prep it (above) with the chalk... And then begin using it...

I have big plans for this wall. Big plans. Big ideas.

Downstairs, my other blackboard wall - in the kitchen - was touched up too. But the big surprise in there were the cabinet doors...


Not all of them are on yet. And the handles aren't drilled in. Nor are the shelves put in. But it's still progress!

And the shutters for my windows were installed today too!

Privacy! And filtered light!

But thing I have been looking forward to the most in the world is this...

My built-in shelves for the TV have been installed and painted.

Sure, the wall needs to be touched up around it...

But it's in! It's in! I am hoping the touch ups happen tomorrow, and that I can install the TV tomorrow evening.

It's finally becoming a real home!!!


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