Cusco: Into The Clouds & Through The Mountains...

I am in Cusco now!

I landed about an hour ago, and am already at my hotel relaxing. I have dinner plans with people in a few hours. And because of my amazing talent of being able to sleep on planes, I need no "catch-up" rest.

The flight into Cusco was a beautiful sight...

A massive layer of clouds that once we cut through, revealed that we were flying between mountains...

The Sun illuminated a verdant mountainside, where I could spot roads and homes sprinkled around.

As we got closer to the ground, the colors became even more beautiful... Making a windy landing serene.

And the structures that felt just a few feet away...

We flew right over them, with me imagining how the people below could get used to this kind of thing happening every day.

I haven't even gotten to the Sacred Valley yet, and already things feel magical here.


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