Dear Neighbor.

Dear Neighbor who lives directly below me in this very old brownstone walk-up,

How are you? I know we don't talk much. You seem to have a problem with looking people in the eye when they say "Hello!" to you in the building. I figured you were just shy. Now I just think you are socially awkward.


Because you have a knack for annoying the hell out the other people who live in the building. You seem to lack a "sense of what is annoying" to other human beings who live in close proximity to you and your dog.

For the future, please note:

If you want the rest of us to make sure the front doors of the building stay locked at all times, please be sure to follow the rule your self. We don't want to have to see the "hissy fit" notes you leave on the front door asking us all to "PLEASE KEEP THIS DOOR LOCKED AT ALL TIMES!!!!" Yet, we come downstairs frequently when you, your mum or your boyfriend have left the door unlocked to take your damn dog for a quick walk down the block.

Also... With regards to your dog... He's quite loud and whiney, despite his tough exterior. Especially when you are not home at night, he likes to cry. Loudly. Right below our bedroom in the middle of the night when we are trying to sleep.

And finally (for today)... I know you may have an appreciation for opera music. But blasting it starting at 9am until 1pm on a Saturday when I am trying to relax and enjoy the last few DVDs of season four of Felicity is really, utterly, completely and horribly "messed up." I realize you may not have known that I was trying to wrap up this series viewing, but regardless of what I was doing, it is wrong to blast your music that loud.

I mean, I have "toned it down" when singing the Felicity theme song out-loud during the opening credits of each episode. I realized I might be getting too loud and took it upon myself to "shush-it" a little.

Because NO ONE should have to hear me sing except my husband.

See how easy it is to be "aware" of things?

Please try harder next time, dear neighbor. Or get some better taste in music.

The Missus


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