
Since my acupuncture session on Monday, I have not had a craving for coffee. I've had a craving for having something warm to hold in my hands... But I have not had the "need" for coffee in the past few days.

I didn't ask for help with my coffee habit. That's not what I went to acupuncture for this week.

I miss my coffee craving. It's odd to wake up and not immediately think about it.

It must be some kind of "witchcraft" that gets done during acupuncture. Although, to be fair, the acupuncturist did disclose to me that when you use acupuncture to treat any condition for your body; it does automatically help your body re-energize and figure out to have more energy on its own, naturally.

So I this lack of coffee craving is just a side effect.

What will all the coffee shops I frequent do if I lose my need for coffee? They may go broke. People will be layed off. Parents will have to take their kids out of private schools. No vacations this year. People may have to drop out of college because they can't pay tuition.



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