Resetting & Rebalancing.

My parents came to visit me at the end of this week. Just a quick trip to see my new place, and check out the scene here. It was great. They even helped me re-pot all of my household plants...

Resetting their individual spaces. Rebalancing the platform from which they are growing. Allowing them a fresh and clear start.

A friend of mine on Facebook sent me a message this morning about wall color from pictures I posted of my new house. They too loved color, but are currently in a rental and resigned to white walls. They admitted that the white space was a good way to rebalance their energy.

Finding ways to rebalance the mind and your energy are an obvious essential component of everyday life. But actioning it is sometimes difficult to do.

I know personally I have fallen off the map with it lately. I have found myself prioritizing work - getting in early to get started and then heading straight home to continue working at night - over yoga, floating and meditation.

I know! I know! I know better than to fall into this cycle again. But I have been very charmed by work in the past few months. And I creatively am feeling some energy from my work. But I recognize that I need to set limits.

No going in early. No working from home at night.

Okay... There will be some times where I will have to work beyond the eight hours a day. But I refuse to allow it to become the standard.

I need time to reset and rebalance.

THAT is my priority.


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