What Is Easy For Me.

The key to feeling successful in life, I have found, is knowing what is easy for me. Then leaning into and using it to instinctively guide me what to do and where to go.

"Doesn't sticking to what is easy for you prevent growth?"

Hush. No.

Let's list it out now. 


  • Being a smart ass. Let's start with the obvious. If there is a non-offensive, self-deprecating, or witty comment opportunity - usually softball in nature - I will make it. It can't be avoided.
  • Getting things started. I am brilliant at getting things going. If there is a direction, a task, a project that needs to be launched... I am your person. But expect distractions and segues. (Adult ADD is a personality enhancement, in my opinion.)
  • Solitude. I'm so good at it. I think because I can occupy myself. I'm not afraid of my own mind. 
  • Decisiveness. If you need a decision on something, come to me. I will gladly make it for you. And I won't feel guilty. This is because I can take the facts, size up pros and cons... And then make a sufficient decision to get things going.
  • Owning Failure & Pivoting. And I'm not afraid to change direction quickly. This is also where decisiveness plays a key part. I love sharing examples of when I have failed.
  • Finding solutions. Again... I am decisive... So I will find an answer to make a judgement call on something. To get things going. Will it be the "right" answer? That's always debatable. 
  • Creating opportunity for others. I'm actually not good at this for myself... But when it comes to working with people... If they tell me something about what they want to be doing - I will find a way to make it happen. And I guess I do this for others in my personal life too, now that I think about it. 
  • Long walks. Strolling is my thing. Random? Sure. But I am happiest when I can block off time each week to take long walks. (This is thing I miss most about living in big cities. The walkability of things.)
Strolling in Copenhagen at 10pm. The twilight hour.

There are endless things that are challenging for me. And I don't hold back on trying (and failing). But I choose to focus on enjoying the above to push me in life. To keep me in check when I get down.

"Just focus on what is easy," I will tell myself. And then there is fulfillment.


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