A Training Gift To Myself?

We are nearly halfway through Bikram Yoga Teacher Training here in San Diego.

If you haven't been reading my Teacher Training blog, here is a quick summary of how things are going and where we are at:
  • Week 5 is about the start.
  • I have given recitations of 9 poses.
  • I still have about 15 to go.
  • I couldn't eat much the first week, but my appetite has come back.
  • Except when I need to stay up really late, I don't drink coffee.
  • I miss my husband like crazy.
  • Work got a little crazy a few weeks ago, even though I am here.
  • Some people have annoyed the crap out of me. But most people are incredibly wonderful.
  • This week will be crazy, as there will be late nights and movies.
  • We have done 43 Bikram yoga classes in 26 days.
After this week, it will pretty much be starting the countDOWN to when training ends. It is going by incredibly fast. I have to start thinking about asking if I can teach a few times a week at my home studio, if they have space for a new teacher.


But, it's not all Bikram yoga hot sweaty dreams here... My mind is filled with other things too. Something I am dreaming of for finishing training...

The Balenciaga Giant Weekender in Mandarin.

I won't buy it. But I still love it. If training didn't cost so much, I could totally afford to reward myself with it at the end.


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