
I don't write posts about the stats on this blog. It makes me uncomfortable.  And I will never allow advertising on this space (despite requests) nor sell it (despite really pathetic offers).

This space, as silly as it may seem, is sacred to me.

But, I am in my seventh year of blogging here On Common Ground. And I wanted to take a moment to reflect, since I actually decided to pay attention to the analytics stats I have on this space.

  • Posts: 3500 (well, 3501, if you count this one)
  • Posts Written: I've written probably 100 additional posts and then deleted them.  Writers are like that.
  • Average Monthly Pageviews: About 24,000 now.
  • Bounce Rate: Just over 60% (Not devastating.)
  • Top Referrer: Google
  • Most Used Browser: Safari. (Mac lovers REPRESENT!)
  • Followers: I was surprised to see I actually had 111 followers. THANKS PEOPLE!
  • Published Comments: Over 7100. So that's about two comments per post.
  • Post With The Most Comments: The one where I hear about Real Housewives doing a New Jersey version. Funny enough, I thought they would be the craziest of the bunch. But they are not. I actually find them to be the classiest of the bunch. (Well, except for Teresa.)
  • Post I Am Most Proud Of: It's actually no longer posted. But about four years ago, I tested my SEO skills and wrote about a guy who had wronged my friend. I won't go into what he did. But I wrote a post that included his name and what he did for a living (not where he worked) and stated in factual sentences what he did to her. There was no opinion. Just simple facts. But, less than two days later, when you Googled his name, my post showed up in position one in the search results. And as a a result, about a month later, I got a "cease and desist" letter from an "ambulance chaser" attorney friend of his. Rather than deal with the mess, I just took the post down. But it was a great example of my SEO skill set.

I've never thought about when I would stop posting here. I guess I don't ever plan to stop. I just wish I had more time to post. But that should be do-able in the not-too-distant-future.


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