Woman of Leisure.

I won't lie... Going from long work weeks to no work week is a bit of a shell-shock.

I have no corporate responsibilities. No deadlines to beat. No deliverables due. No intricate questions from clients. (The stuff I enjoyed about my job.)

Many people have been asking me what I've been doing with my time over the past few days... And surprisingly, I've found myself really busy.

The first thing I did the morning after I left my job was make a list of projects to do around the house. You know, things like "clean and organize closet," "clean under couch and dust entire house," "clean out disgusting fridge," "organize cupboards and old bill statements," etc....

After that, I went to the Bikram yoga studio and signed up for an immediate 30-day yoga challenge. I began the challenge on Monday of this week, and I have been every day since then... Including this morning's 6 am class.

That's right. You read that correctly. I wrote "6 am."

"Why," you may ask, "would you get up that early when you don't have to?" Well, because I had a busy day scheduled for today. It's not busy the way it was when I had a job... But I had a list of things I wanted to do. I had to meet one friend for lunch at noon in Chinatown. Then I met another friend at 3 pm for coffee. So I had to go to the early yoga class. No more crowded 5:30 pm classes for me!

Another thing that I have actually gotten around to doing now that I no longer work for a living is get a library card. I've never had a library card before in my life. (Did you know they are free???) And apparently the Boston Public Library (which is a beautiful old building and has a "killer Nancy Drew Collection" -- so says my mum) has free wireless, if you have a library card.

This has led me to think about how I want to spend the next two and a half months (my designated break time.) I want to spend my days focusing on yoga and writing. So yoga every day; and library for writing every other day.

My husband told me if I never want to go back to a job where I work for someone else, that's fine by him. He'll support whatever decision I make. (Isn't he the best, most kind and hottest husband ever? Nothing's sexier than a partner who supports your decisions.)

I've had a few of my contacts in the industry, in addition to the recruiters who found my resume online, email me asking me what I plan on doing next. But like I wrote, I don't know if I want to go work for another company. I would like to freelance and consult; if anything.

So that's "What's up with the Missus" lately. I'm taking it easy right now. And plan to till 2007 at the earliest. But if anyone wants to approach me about consulting work; I'm open to discussions.


Anonymous said…
glad to hear you are enjoying yourself out there in the world that exists outside cube-life....lucky duck!

and you have never had a library card?!?!?!? omg! i have a secret obsession w/ libraries...i have five or six different library cards for different library networks...i am a sicko..its ok..i admit it

p.s. miss you!
Anonymous said…
The Boston Public Library has a gorgeous reading room. When you enter, head towards the left. It's like something out of a movie set at a university. Art on the walls, high ceilings, little reading lamps with people looking very scholarly. You can get a lot of reading done there.

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