
Showing posts from March, 2006


One of My Favorite Movies.

Season without Sickness.

It's Not Country. It's (Some Other Kind of Music).

Verbal Jujitsu.

Knocked-Off and Knocked-Down.

"One" of the Best Songs. Ever.

The "New 20."

Rollin' in W-town.

Bikram Yoga Update - Week Two

Tonic w/ a Twist of Tea Tree Oil


Candy-Coated Spring Shoes.


Where Did All of These Channels Come From?

What to Wear When You Want to Sweat.

Little in the Middle, But You Got Much Back.

Strappy Sandals to Dream About.

Birthday Present!

Bad Yogurt.

What a Dick?

Other Blogs to Read.

Blocked from Blog Reading.

A Whole New Realm of Stuff I Need.

Destination Weddings and Wedding Etiquette.

iPods and Commuting drive fashion.

Sick and working.

"D-oh!" The family's sticking around.

Bikram Yoga - Day Seven.

Spring is here... It's the day of finding lost crap.

Bikram Yoga - Recap of Week One

Chunky Heel Sandals.

Spring "Must Buy" List.

New Favorite Bath Product.

Had a whole top diamond and the bottom row's gold.

Taxonomy of Barnacles. A tax on my brain.

St. Paddy's Day.

It's like, a totally important designer.

Bikram Yoga - Day Four and Day Five

I lied.

Darn you, Hello Kitty.

Hmm... Delicious SPAM.

Bikram Yoga Day Three.

Position One - Yay!

Search Marketing $$$.

Bikram Yoga - Day Two

Bikram Yoga: Day "Une"

I need to get cuffed.


30-day Bikram Yoga Commitment.

Dejargonator - Cut through the B.S.

My new friend Edith.

The "Full-time" and "Working" Mommie Wars.

New rule.

She was a bi-atch, but she designs good shoes.

Barneys... You disappoint me, kind of.

Spring is here!!!

Birthday True or False.