Style Confession Time.
I have a confession to make.
I absolutely hate slingback shoes.
"Why?" you ask? It's silly, really.
I just think it is an ugly shoe. I don't like the way the back slings around the ankle and the closed toe. Is it a formal shoe? Is it a casual shoe? WTF? I'm confused. And people who wear these shoes always throw me off. They're "half-ass" shoes.
Memory Interlude...
One time, back when I lived in NYC, I interviewed with a PR firm owner who was dressed impeccably from the top to her knees. When I got to her shoes (which, I'll be honest, I always check out people's shoes) I was disappointed to see her wearing chocolate slingbacks. And then I looked around at the office she had set up for her small firm. And I realized it was a dump. There was no solid foundation (which is what your shoes and feet are), the desks were cheap... The lighting was terrible... The air was stale. The view of Union Square South could only be seen from two rather small windows on the northeast-facing side of the office. I realized I couldn't be happy working there. Not in that un-inspiring office, and certainly not for someone who "owned" the place but couldn't afford good taste in shoes. What does that say about the way she runs her business?
It gave me the sense that she "half-asses" everything.
The only exception I make to wearing a "sling" type of shoe is if they have an open toe. But closed-toe shoes should have backs to them. Period.