Being a Trophy Wife Is Totally "In."

Or so says this jackass at Forbes...

Came across this article on through some blog reading this morning. This editor (a man) penned this piece on the website earlier this week about how men should avoid marrying "career women" if they want to have a happy marriage.

He defines "career women" as females who have at least a university-level education, work more than 35 hours a week and make more than $30,000 a year.

"What if you meet two of the three criteria in the definition?"
Seriously... I know plenty of women out there who work more than 35 hours a week and make more than $30k a year, but do not have a university-level education. I also know plenty of women who have a university-level education and work more than 35 hours a week, but do not make more than $30k a year. Additionally, I also know women who have a university-level education and make WAY more than $30k a year; but because they are phenomenal at what they do, they don't have to work more than 20 hours a week. Are these women not career women? Are they more prepared to succeed in the marriage game?

Is it vice-versa as well?
What about men? Do all of these criteria apply to men as well? As a bonafide career woman, should I have not married my university-level educated husband? He works more than 35 hours a week and makes more than $30k a year.

Are we totally eff-ed in the long term??????

What will the author teach his daughters (if he has any) or other female relatives?
Will he encourage the females in his life not to go after that college education, work hard and make as much money as possible? All in order to keep a happy marriage someday? Seriously, these are questions he should have anticipated and therefore, pre-empted with answers in his piece.

I realize that this piece was drafted by the editor initially through coming across the research that came his way. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and am going to say that he doesn't truly feel this way... He is merely pointing out what research says.

But nonetheless, he's a jackass.


Anonymous said…
You go girl!!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, that article was pretty offensive.

Me, I prefer a woman who is independent, hard-working, and has goals. Much prefer that to the opposite - dependent, not-working, and no goals.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, that article was pretty offensive.

Me, I prefer a woman who is independent, hard-working, and has goals. Much prefer that to the opposite - dependent, not-working, and no goals.
CMad said…
I'd ask the initial question to Last time I checked, I my degree was not in journalism - and in this day and age of PC/eggshell-walking existence... even I reserve better judgement in deciding to decline publishing that article.

Then again, I'm not the editor. Just a mere working woman who completed a college education. You know, kind of like those very losers that Noer describes in that article?
Anonymous said…

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