Can I Say Something Bitchy?

Seriously... I have to be a bitch for a moment. (Some of you, who know me, may be thinking, "Just for a moment? More like 24-7!")

Anyway... I don't know if I am in a bitchy mood because I spent most of my three-day weekend traveling in a car with my in-laws (who are lovely people, but 10 plus hours or traveling time in a car with anyone is overkill)... Or if it's because I had really bad food most of the weekend... (I'm not a picky eater, but it seems like the things I hate most were all over the menu this weekend: hard-boiled eggs, salmon, fruit cake, rice pilaf pink chicken, canned tomato soup, peach pie)... But I am in full on bitch mode today... And anyone who get in my way is gonna get a full helping of it.

Even if you don't really get in my way... Say you're just sitting there, minding your own business... You're at risk of getting a piece of my bitch-tastic attitude.

I don't have any particular grievances as of right now for today... But I felt the need to openly be a bitch and make a comment to someone I work with about someone else.

Because people I work with read this blog, I can't give details about what exactly I said or who I said it to (though that would be quite humorous if you knew)... But the point is, I instant-messaged someone a little while ago and said (pretyt much), "I have to say something bitchy right now... ... ... (insert bitchy comment here.)"

The person responded with pure IM laughter ("LOL!") and then told me they love it when I am in "catty bitch" mode. They said they appreciated the comment, and that it made them feel good.

So I guess (despite what my mum taught me) it's okay... no, make that good... to be a bitch sometimes. I wasn't looking to make this person laugh. I was simply making an observation.

I should make an effort to be bitchy a little more often.


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