Having the Balls to Make the Decision.

You know how you sometimes have this dilemas in your life and you just don't know what to do about them? You're passionate about how you feel, but you just don't have the courage to drop the bomb.

I have felt this way about a number of things in my life, both professionally and personally. Like the decision on which college to ultimately go to... Whether or not to make that move... Deciding which career you ultimately want...

You worried that if you went one way you would be "okay" but not "thrilled" with your decision. And you worried that if you did what your gut is telling you to do, you may have made the wrong decision.

But, at least for myself, once I have had the opportunity to debate things in my head for a great while (maybe go to a few yoga classes to get my mind off the issue for a while), I usually go with my natural instinct of what I should do. After all, if I am feeling that passionate about something and it hasn't gone away after a few months of thinking about it... then I know it is time for a change.

It's that moment when I no longer fear the decision I am making. I just do it. And I then have earned a "calm" and "at peace" feeling about the decision.

"What am I getting at?" you may be wondering...

Well, no details (sorry)... But I've decided to go with my gut instinct about something I have thought long and hard about for months now. And I am at peace with it.

I just wanted to share that.



Anonymous said…
Good for you! Sounds like you know the right thing to do.
Anonymous said…
hmmm...well i am scared...but i cant jump to any conclusions here...he he...either way you have to do what makes you happy and what you feel is right :-)
Anonymous said…
Booooo. Details make the story...
Me said…
It's the same decision you made last year... In the fall... Greten.
Anonymous said…
Ah, I see. That is sort of what I suspected given the trend of your postings lately. Sorry :-(

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