Friday Night Ritual.

Another Friday night... Another evening spent in my typical Friday-night manner.

At the end of each work week (about five seconds after the clock on my computer hits 5pm) I head out of the building and over to the Barnes and Noble in the neighborhood to pick up the week's magazines. Today I grabbed the following:

Marie Claire (New editor in charge there. She has completely revamped the magazine into something somewhat more respectable. Less bubble-headed.)

Harpers Bazaar (UK Version)

Shape Magazine

Vanity Fair

Jane Magazine

Every Friday night I spend in my home-office reading each mag and sipping coffee. this may seem tres boring to some people... But I spend most of my days (and some of my evenings) socializing with other people. By the time Friday evening rolls around, I need a nice long night to myself without having to think about work or hanging out with others.

This is my way if decompressing after a week of researching complicated client questions and creating content.


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