"...I Suggest You Email Me."

Every other week I have to change the message on my voicemail.
"Hi, this is Heather Molina. I'm out of the country till Monday. If this is urgent, I suggest you email me. Otherwise I'll return your message when I am back."
This is for the random people who may call me in the event that I am up in Canada, where I usually have my phone turned off for the duration. I don't get too many calls in general... But it does seem to be the rule that if I am out of the country, that's when people are going to call and try to get a hold of me.

Truth is, I'm not a fan of talking on the phone. Facetime... GChat... Direct Message in Twitter... Facebook... All of those are a much faster and efficient way to get a hold of me when abroad. Hell, they're a faster way to get a hold of me in the States too.

Flashing forward into the future... I may not even need to talk. All of my interactions will take place over technology. Like a droid.

Droid Heather.

"This is the droid you're looking for."



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