A Gorgeous Sunday Evening.

One of my resolutions for this new year (and pretty much the only one that I am keeping) is a commitment to get to the beach a slew of times this year. In particular, on Sundays.  And I had been starting my Sundays with an early-ish morning at the beach, before all of the families showed up... With all of their essential crap in tow.

So today I decided to wrap my day up with a visit to the beach.

And it was till kinda crowded when I got there, an hour before sunset.

Plenty of space for me to still plop my towel down, but only after a walk in the edge of the water... Where I encountered piles of sea vegetation...

I don't like touching it, but it sure is pretty.

And speaking of "pretty"...

Eventually the sun set. And the view was gorgeous.

This is why I moved here...

Beautiful ending to the week.

Then, I went home and made this gorgeous dinner...

Really... Why would you live anywhere else, when you can end your week this way?


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