Adult Libation: Not Your Father's Root Beer Float.

A week ago I got a group text from my younger brother. He had discovered an awesome alcoholic root beer that I had been search for about a month. He was in Arizona though. And I, in California... A whole six hours away (if you drive only slightly irresponsibly).

I was jealous. Not because I am a root beer fan. In fact, I loathe the stuff usually. But what I do love are root beer floats.

So I decided to make it part of my mission to try to find this special root beer. I made a list of stores the website said stocked their product in my neighborhood and went in search. This method had not panned out before, so I was hesitant. 

But today I found it... At the local BevMo - the same place I found my Aperol last weekend.


I stopped off at the organic grocery store and picked up (smug) organic vanilla ice cream and brought it all home to chill.

That last about an hour. Then I dug in to make myself a float...

The root beer I was in search of is called Not Your Father's Root Beer.

It indeed tastes just like root beer. A flat root beer. So on it's own, I'm not a fan. (I don't even drink my water uncarbonated! Except in yoga.)

But it would suffice for a root beer float.


It's very sweet. I won't be able to finish the bottle, as it would require more than one scoop of ice cream.

But it's very good. Indulgent... But imagine serving at a party? Thinking these might be a "must" at a very special friend's very special birthday later this month.


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