My So-Called Quiz.
Still unwinding from the Asshole Convention... So I decided to finish drinking my pop while surfing Buzz Sugar.... And that's when I happened upon the "My So-Called Life" quiz.

Now, I hated this show when it came on in 1994. I watched maybe one episode. And that was because the writing on the show was hyped up in the media. But it was a bad show. And the writing was awful too. And I was happy when it got 86'd from prime time.
But despite only ever seeing one full show, I somehow managed to score the highest on the quiz.

This show was cliche teen-drama-writing at its most formulaic. It was so bad. And I am severely ashamed that I have scored the highest on it.
A million cool points should be taken away from me. And I only had 10 cool points to begin with! Aww man!