Emo Bones On My Wall.

I caved.

Last weekend, I went to the John Derian store downtown and searched through stacks of trays to find my bones. (Okay. I actually made the shop assistant do it. But I am sure she was happy to.)

And now, I have a little more art hanging on the walls of my NYC home.

The Husband doesn't "get" them. But what is there to "get?" They're fun to look at.  The only thing I "get" when I look at them is a chuckle.

The one in the top left is hunched over and weeping. The middle one is leaning against a shovel.  The one on the bottom right is thinking.


SM said…
Hi. I just have to say that these are absolutely awesome. I love them
thedancingj said…
Okay, I've gotta comment on this one! I have know those pictures for YEARS, in particular the one on the far right - the "soliloquy." Back when I was in a ballet company, our director was totally obsessed with these prints. The brilliant idea of these skeletons (from an artistic/dancer perspective) is that the skeleton itself shows an emotion. You don't have to "emote" with your face - the message comes through just by the placement of your bones.

And HE learned about the pictures from a book called "The Thinking Body" by Mabel Todd, which is a physiology book from 1942 which I have read twice because it's brilliant. I've quoted her a couple times on my blog. Her first chapter talks about how personality shapes structure, and you can tell a person's stature in life by the way they hold their body. She uses the skeleton as an example. "Impossible not to feel that he is alive!"

So basically I love them. How can I get one?!
Jenn said…
I love those!

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