Bikram Yoga Update - Week Two

I finished up my second week of my Bikram Yoga commitment yesterday. I went only four times last week. (Bad!) I got sick on Tuesday/Wednesday, so I couldn't go those days. And I skipped Friday's class as well due to work stuff... Which is a pathetic excuse... As I made myself promise to make this the priority over work. (Makes me wonder if I actually have the balls to make good on actually believing what my priorities are... Some of you know what I'm talking about.... Do I have the balls to do it if it actually comes down to it? I think so. But I'll never know until I am actually given the ultimatum.)

Any way, back to yoga...

This is the start of week three. Yay! I intend to go every night this week. And both days this weekend. I feel really good about my progress so far. I've gone to 10 classes in 14 days. That's pretty good - yeah? I definitely notice a difference in my body. And my poses are getting better and better.

In yesterday's class, I was able to go deeper into Dandayamana Dhanurasana, or "bow-pulling" pose.

I can't get my back elevated leg that straight... But I am doing the pose much straighter with both hips down, and my toe pointed. So that's good progress.

The only pose that I have been able to do since day one is Ustrasana, "camel" pose.

I have a very flexible back. So this pose has never been a problem for me. It completely opens the front side of your body. It stretches your lungs and gets fresh blood going through your kidneys.

Can't wait for tonight's class.


Anonymous said…
Maybe this question is too personal, so you don't have to answer this: why are you patting yourself on the back for NOT living up to your commitment of going for 30 days in a row? Oh, and I go to the same yoga studio. Wonder who you are...
Me said…
hmm... (That's a hint as to who I am.)

I am "patting" myself on the back for going so much in the past two weeks because this a lot of yoga for one person. Given my work load, finding time has been a bit difficult in the past year. Do YOU go more than five days a week to yoga? I wish I had the time to go that much. (Lucky you, if you do.)

Wee you in class tonight? 5:30pm!

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