It's Always Patio Weather Here.

 My favorite place of late is my back patio.

Originally designed to be an outdoor dining space right off the kitchen (which is why there is a low hanging light fixture), it's got perfect shade and is a cozy space.

I'm attempting to grow lavender and rosemary in pots, and it's not as easy as it was in Encinitas. The dry desert air means I have to water them a little every day... And it's not even summer yet.

The days are currently still cool enough to be able to sit outside at any time in that egg chair and pass the time "reading". (Meaning, "Watching TikToks.")

I thought about adding light sheer curtains from the beam that starts the space from a bricked patio, but my fear is it may be too done up and boho.

"Add a fan in place of the light fixture," someone said to me.

That would be practical. But dull. I love the fixture. It adds to the cozy vibe.

And the whole goal for me was to create a space I was absolutely going to use throughout the year. 

That's the whole point of being in Arizona. We have rainy days and cold days... And hot days... But most days - 99% of the time - it is patio weather.


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