FDA Approved: Says Clones Are A-Okay.

What kind of bullsh%t is this????? The FDA has declared that clones are safe for food consumption here in America.

I guess if there was ever a reason to go veggie, this might be it. The only thing I will be able to eat when I go to Taco Bell now will be a bean burrito with no cheese. My pizzas will not be able to contain pork or red meat, or even cheese for that matter. Not unless it can be guaranteed by the business owner that the products they use are from non-cloned animals.

Why the hell was this approved? What do we really know about clones? Cloning has only been around for about 10 years. That's not long enough to determine how safe cloning is in animals. And now they want us to eat it?

No thanks.

Although, I am kinda getting worked up over nothing... It'll be a few years before the milk and meat from cows, pigs and goats hits supermarket shelves. And by that time, I will be living in Toronto.

But to be on the safe side... I'm going "organic" with my meat and dairy.


Anonymous said…
just make sure you research the different types of "organic" -- because it is the glorious FDA that has defined those terms too. you might be better off to research brands of meat & dairy that are known for healthy practices rather than relying on the "organic" label...but yes, this is a very creepy announcement and one of the many reasons i have gone "veggie."
Anonymous said…
just make sure you research the different types of "organic" -- because it is the glorious FDA that has defined those terms too. you might be better off to research brands of meat & dairy that are known for healthy practices rather than relying on the "organic" label...but yes, this is a very creepy announcement and one of the many reasons i have gone "veggie."
Me said…
Good point Bex!

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