University: Easier For Boys To Get In To.

This peeves me to no end. I was over at MSNBC reading the headlines this evening, and one video story's headline caught my eye... College Standards Stiffer for Women.

In the piece, the reporter (who, funnily enough, I used to intern for when I lived in Tucson) examined the issue of men getting accepted to university more easily than women at some top universities in the country.

What it came down to was universities trying to make the gender divide fairly even for both males and females. And in order to do that, they had to reject the applications of much more qualified females.

"Females are generally better students... And have better applications," were the words used in the report. But yet, they are getting rejected just to have a balance in the sexes?

What happened to teaching girls "work harder than everyone else, and you can go to school anywhere you want"?

Once again, males have found a way to have females do more work than them while they get to take it easy. Though I shouldn't be surprised... Men earn more than woman on average. But women work just as hard. Women do more housework than men, EVEN if they work full-time. In fact, many women who are the bread winners in their household STILL do a good portion of the housework.

I'm not saying all men are lazy. (God knows, my husband's certainly not. Though, I had to train the hell out of him when it comes to housework. He just didn't know. Not his fault.) But even still today, men get away with doing less...

Not just at home... But also in school.

I refuse to accept this.


Anonymous said…
the college i went to had only gone co-ed ten years before i matriculated there. i worked my @$$ off in high school, and to see some of the duds they accepted just because they had a penis and would even out the gender score angered me (and still does) to no end. grrrrr!
Anonymous said…
As someone who just applied to a well-known university in Chicago, this bothers me a lot. When I think about it, I realize it's happened so much around me. I kill myself to maintain my grades and go above and beyond, and yet male students always got more recognition than me.

Not fair!
Vanessa said…
I saw this story too and it was almost a 'scrape me off the ceiling' moment. The acceptance rate should be based on who gets the best scores and best applications thus proving to be better students who will actually graduate. NOT, "Oh well, he's a boy, we make exceptions for things like that."

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