Advice From Warren.

 I don't claim to be the seer that Warren Buffet is when it comes to finances. 

In fact, I really only pay attention to the Stripper Index for understanding market sentiment. 

But Warren is my source for prompting reflection in evaluating my approach to life. I follow him, and I feel like I am going places.

Coincidentally, from my vinyl collection, a record that was released the same year Buffet's annual letter to shareholders (with all his great quotes) started coming out... Which I found myself listening to today. Universal sign --- Listen to the Oracle of Omaha.

Two of my favorite pieces of advice from him came back when I was a child. Here are snippets of much longer quotes...

"... simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful."

I've been accused, many times, of living life in a way that is just to "be different" from others. 

"You actively don't want what everyone else wants," is the gist of what has been said. Or, accused.

And it is true. The 10,000 foot view of what everyone else has is of no interest to me.

But that one-foot view, yes. I need the basics of food, water, shelter, internet, TikTok, streaming subscriptions...

But do I want to die and have my life look like what everyone says is "the dream?" No. And not just because "everyone wants it, and therefore I shall not want it." But because it means I haven't given any unique thought or contributions to my world. I've just fallen in line.

"... to put runs on the scoreboard one must watch the playing field, not the scoreboard."

This quote is one I use to actively remind myself not to compare myself to what others have, but to look at the conversations and capabilities they are running with... Because that is what leads to longterm success. 

Tortoise and Hare scenario.

And often only looking at the scoreboard leads to being fearful when others are fearful, and greedy when others are greedy.

What am I now?

Calm. Focused on sleep. But keeping myself tucked away still.

Nothing interests me enough to leave the house right now, except to gather the essentials.


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