Dream: I Clearly Forgot About My Identity - Time To Go Reclaim It?

The past few nights, I've had extraordinary sleep activity.

I've slept for six and seven hours straight.

That is not a common thing. I have been someone who gets up to pee usually between 1am and 3am since my teens. No matter where I am in the world... It's been a thing. Along with lots of memorable dream activity.

But the past few years, as I danced towards menopause and had dwindling estrogen, my dream state has become less and less active while the middle-of-the-night pee times have remained steady. 

I missed my dreams. I still had them. I just couldn't regularly recall them after waking. 

But the past few nocturnal turns have been amazing, and I am so grateful. 

Last night's dream echoed similarly to ones I've had over the past dozen or so years though. And I feel like others must have it too.

I am in an airport with people from work. We are all waiting for our flight to somewhere. There is a presentation going on where we are sitting, and I ask what is received as a very intelligent question about resourcing. Everyone agrees with me asking the question, and I get acknowledgement from the presenter as such. 

We still have some time before our flight, and it dawns on me that this is a flight to a foreign country - I think Denmark. And I haven't brought my passport with me.

I panic. 

I go to a woman whom I report to and tell her, "I don't have my passport. I need to run home and get it."

She gives me a grave look and says nothing. 

I start to grab my things and wonder, "Why didn't I realize this as I was going through security? Why didn't they check it when I went through?"

I look at the time on my phone... It's 2:22pm. The flight boards at 3pm.

"I'll never make it home and back in time."

I give up and leave the airport, knowing I will miss my flight.

I'm not too torn up about it. More just annoyed. 

Then I wake up.

This is a dream about exploration of identity.

  • Airport: Transitions. Adventure. 
  • Forgotten Passport: Identity. Not knowing the Self as well. Not acknowledging what the Self needs.
  • Indifferent Feeling/Giving Up: A need for change.

Work has been busy. Honestly, it's been that way since I started two years ago. Nothing new to process on that front.

But I do feel, more so lately, that I have been holding myself back from fear. 

And this dream was pointing that out. 

This makes complete sense.


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