Carrie's Engagement Closet.

A recent conversation between a husband and wife...

"Hey!" says the wife. "Get in here and watch this!"

The husband comes in to the wife's home office.

"What?" he asks.

"Come over here," she demands. "Over here, to look at my computer screen."

He comes around her desk and peers at what she is pointing to.

She presses "play" on the DVD drive.

"Shh!" she whispers. "Wait for it. Way for it."

On the screen are Carrie and Big from the Sex and the City Movie. Big opens the double doors to reveal the most gorgeous closet seen in a home.

The lights magically pop on as soon as he opens the doors. Floor to ceiling are shelves and closet compartments, as well as drawers. And in the back is a shoe rack that could hold a couple hundred pairs of shoes.

"Wow," says the husband, clearly not amused.

"You must understand," informs the wife, "that when we look for a townhouse in Toronto, this is a non-negotiable for me."

"This house must have a closet-type space where I can replicate this same magic. I will not approve any home purchase if there is no potential for this. It is one of my only requests... Along with this house having to be nears hops, Bikram yoga studio, Taco Bell, Starbucks and Lululemon store."

says the husband. "You're not asking for much there, are you?"

What does he know any damn way?


Bayjb said…
That closet makes me want to cry. It's the size of my first studio apartment.
That Girl! said…
And close to a good denim store too!!! I feel like that must be on the list for sure :)
Me said…
Umm... I still plan on coming back at least annually to Boston to buy my denim.

I don't intend to buy it in Toronto.
That Girl! said…
=) Hooray!! Actually, we're lucky enough to have such a loyal customer base. One customer, that I know of, is from France and she only buys her jeans from us. Every year she comes in and tries to convince us to open a store in France.

Now, I can brag about having a loyal customer base in Canada too.
Anonymous said…
When I showed "the closet" to Javier and said something similar to what you said, his response was:

"well *I* want one too! we'll have to find a place where we BOTH can have a closet like that!"

and i knew we would be together forever :)
Frogger said…
Don't forget to add, "Guest room for Frogger" on the must-have list. That is a MUST. I cannot approve your move to another country unless I know there is a room for me in your new home.
Me said…
Well... Duh.

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